

This is a cross-platform open-source alternative to Fujifilm’s official camera app.

This app isn’t finished yet, so don’t set high expectations. Fuji’s implementation of PTP/IP has many different quirks and bugs, so it’s not easy to create a stable client that works for all cameras.

Improvements over XApp / Camera Connect

Missing features

Beta builds are published on Google Play. The latest builds are also available on F-Droid.



master branch may not compile or may have unfinished changes. Clone from the last release instead.

git clone https://github.com/petabyt/fudge.git --depth 1 --branch 0.2.2 --recurse-submodules

Compiling desktop app

Desktop utility is still a work in progress.

# Ubuntu deps:
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libimgui-dev libvulkan-dev libglfw3-dev
cd desktop
cmake -B build -G Ninja && cmake --build build

Cross-compiling for Windows with mingw:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/mingw.cmake -G Ninja -B build_win
cmake --build build_win

Compiling Android

Open android/ in Android Studio.